
Tiffany’s Story

At SafeNet, I wasn’t alone. I found understanding, patience and friendships that have lasted for years.

I am a survivor of domestic violence.

I had no idea about the cycle of violence, the entire scope of domestic violence, what it did to me and how it affected me.  Someone in the DA’s office in 1998 told me to call “Terri at SafeNet”.  That phone call changed my life.

At SafeNet, I wasn’t alone.  I found understanding, patience and friendships that have lasted for years.   I learned how to be empowered, to stand up for myself and for all the other abused women and children.  I learned how to spot an abuser and to stop the violence.  I am teaching my son the things I learned at SafeNet which include hands are hot for hitting and developing ways of handling anger/frustration.  Without SafeNet and the weekly group meetings, I don’t think I would be where I am today.  I really think I would be dead somewhere at the hands of my abuser.

The programs at SafeNet were the best thing that happened to me: weekly group meetings, free clothes, snacks and daycare (for the women that had children).  SafeNet gave me life lessons that will last my entire life.

I consider myself one of the “lucky ones.”  My abuser lives out of town.  I didn’t have any children and I have a supportive family.  But there are women out there that aren’t as lucky as me.  They need shelter and anything and everything that SafeNet can give them to help them get on their feet and feel empowered.  There are so many more women out here that need a safe place to stay, a place to educate them, and a place where they can realize that they aren’t alone and this isn’t their fault.

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