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Children’s Program

What About My Children?

childrenSafeNet offers counseling to support children who have experienced domestic violence in their homes.

Children suffer feelings of shame, guilt, grief, confusion, anger, and depression.

Behaviorally, children may become withdrawn or aggressive. They may refuse to go to school, wet the bed, or have nightmares.

Children and their parents are provided with:

  • Structured groups
  • Individual counseling and support
  • Age appropriate education
  • Safety planning
  • Healing through play
  • Positive parenting and role-modeling
  • Promoting parent/child interaction
  • Referrals to community resources
  • In-school educational programming

SafeNet provides both one-on-one and group interactions for children.

SafeNet encourages and educates parents about the 40 Developmental Assets. The Developmental Assets are a set of skills, experiences, relationships, and behaviors that enable young people to develop into successful and contributing adults. You can read more about the developmental assets by going to the Positive Youth Development website.
About our Children’s Program and how we use our Big Backyard

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