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Coaching Boys into Men

Recently there has been a lot of attention on sexual misconduct in Hollywood and in politics. But with the long history and prevalence of these types of behaviors, how do we even begin to address and change this type of behavior?

One of the best places to start is with the training of young people that violence is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. A program has been developed by FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE called “Coaching Boys into Men”. The purpose of CBIM is to utilize local high school coaching staff to help train boys to help develop a future without violence and develop healthy relationships.

“Athletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men; often serving as a parent or mentor to the boys they coach. Because of these special relationships, coaches are uniquely poised to positively influence how young men think and behave both on, and off, the field.” (FUTURES website)

FUTURES’ Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) program facilitates these connections by providing high school athletic coaches with the resources they need to promote respectful behavior among their players and help prevent relationship abuse, harassment, and sexual assault. For more than a decade, the program has been implemented in communities across the U.S. and around the world. From Sacramento and Dallas, to India and South Africa, the program’s messages have proven universal.”

SafeNet was the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence to purchase this training and bring it to coaches and young men in Erie County. This is an evidenced based program that teaches young men how to be respectful of women and how to have healthy relationships. The program covers topics once a week for about 15 minutes. There is also a program for college men and Futures is exploring an additional program for high school girls on how to develop healthy relationships.

CBIM was first launched in 2001 as a national public service announcement campaign. “The CBIM curriculum consists of a series of coach-to-athlete trainings that illustrate ways to model respect and promote healthy relationships. The CBIM card series instructs coaches on how to incorporate themes associated with teamwork, integrity, fair play, and respect into their daily practice and routine.”

As stated in our mission statement, SafeNet is committed to ending Domestic Violence. For additional information or to acquire Coaching Boys into Men for your team or coach, contact Robyn Young, Director of Domestic Violence Services at (814) 455-1774 x 248 or


This program is now available in Erie and we welcome inquiries. FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE has provided groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

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