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How We Help

SafeNet provides services to people victimized by domestic violence and relationship abuse.


Over the past few years, the topic of domestic violence has become more prominent in the national news.

SafeNet is the only accredited domestic violence agency in the City of Erie. SafeNet has been providing services to victims of domestic violence since 1974 and provides these comprehensive services free of charge.

About 2000 people utilize SafeNet services annually.  A comprehensive list of SafeNet’s free and confidential services is listed below.

Our Services

Emergency Shelter

Hospitality House opened its doors in 1974. It continues to provide confidential, safe, short term emergency housing that is available 24/7.  Of the 500 victims sheltered each year, half are children under the age of 12.



SafeNet’s 24/7 hotline connects callers with emergency help, shelter, support and counseling. To reach the hotline, please call (814) 454-8161. Remember, if you are in immediate danger, please call 911.


Counseling and Advocacy

SafeNet’s core services are counseling and advocacy.  A central theme in counseling is safety planning.  This involves not just physical safety, but emotional and psychological safety as well.  This service is available at our offices at 1702 French Street in Erie, and at local hospitals, schools and public housing.  SafeNet also has a 24/7 counseling hotline.


Legal Representation

SafeNet provides attorney representation for Protection from Abuse Orders and other legal issues resulting from the abusive relationship. Learn more here: Protection from Abuse Orders: Help & Information


Children’s Programs

These programs are evidenced-based and incorporate many activities that build self-esteem and broaden a child’s network of support. Children are counseled in residential programs and in community-based counseling.   As domestic violence is a learned behavior, counseling and re-training children are key in breaking this generational cycle of abuse.


Education and Training

SafeNet provides training to police officers, health-care workers, and many others so that our community support system has a better understanding of the challenges and barriers faced by families trying to free themselves from abuse.


Transitional Housing

SafeNet has two established transition housing programs for those who cannot find a home after their short term stay in shelter. The programs focus on self-sufficiency, along with a goal of obtaining safe, affordable, permanent housing. Bridge House is for victims of domestic violence and TLC is for young mothers ages 16 to 21.

Our emergency shelter services, providing confidential and safe housing 24/7, are committed to helping those in need find refuge and security.

Victims of domestic violence can come to SafeNet’s offices at 1702 French Street, Erie PA 16501 or make an appointment to seek shelter, counseling, support, education and legal help.


For Immediate Help Call 911